How to can you grow your child’s Microbiome?
Microbiome is such a huge conversation now in dentistry. We need to think about all different kinds of microbiome. We want a good Microbiome to help us in our gut to break down and digest, but more importantly to absorb nutrients.
If we’re not absorbing our nutrients properly, we’re not getting necessary things for a healthy gut, the minerals and the vitamins needed for our teeth to make them strong. We also need to think about our oral microbiome.
There’s different probiotics that are used specifically to help grow the microbiome inside your child’s mouth. I even like the ones that cover the ear, nose, throat and mouth because kids are so small that the bacteria travels throughout. That’s why the kids get more ear infections than adults.
So let’s focus on getting a healthy gut by taking a good gut probiotic and a healthy mouth by taking a good oral probiotic.